The PT Business transformation 2.0 (PTBT) has been built to fast track a major improvement in your service, systems, and sales.

The 16-week MENTORSHIP is designed to help you focus on the core areas of your business each PT needs to have in place allowing you to concentrate on your delivery of client results and therefore increasing your rate of retention and referrals.

What takes most PTs years to put together (if they are able survive within the industry) you will have completed in just 4 months with direct accountability to make sure it gets done
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STARTS 30th September

Who this is for ...  

We know first hand how training providers don't set you up to the right level to running and delivering a self employed fitness business. We know that commercial gyms have an agenda to their share holders, which repent properly investing in you and your business to the right level

It's not your fault that you haven't been supported in the right way. Just getting through your level 3, starting your business is hard enough. Figuring out price point, programming etc ... we all wing to some degree. 

It's why we created our business, and specifically the PTBT mentorship, is to fill this gap and give personal trainers the opportunity to not just survive .. but to thrive in their businesses. 

If you’re a PT/ Coach;
  • Who can’t fully guarantee where their next client is coming from.
  • Feeling lost and not knowing what to do and when to do it.
  • Feels insecure at the fact you don’t have a consistent wage.
  • Worry about clients leaving you which can have a sudden impact on your finances.
  • Who wants to improve their systems in the business to eventually claw time back for themselves.
  • Constantly overthinks if your service is good enough for clients.
  • You struggle with client adherence when it comes to nutrition, them training away from you or completing their weekly check in’s.
  • As well as a PT who just generally struggles with procrastination and a bit of paralysis by analysis when it comes to applying the things you know you need too.
The PTBT is literally designed to sort all of that out for you, a combination of this 16 week mentorship program, hard and smart work alongside a growth mindset will rapidly improve your business and therefore your life with it.

What you receive ...  

By the end of the 16 weeks’ you will go away with;
  • A full marketing plan to bring in consistent leads
  • An onboarding system that can be automated helping you bring the right clients in for you
  • A full social media strategy to help you gain more engagement, followers and sales
  • A client video education area to help with retention
  • A complete client journey to give you clarity and direction
  • A full structure to the back-office side of your business
  • An understanding of how to budget, forecast and plan to grow your business
  • Systems to help you track the performance of your business
  • A stronger understanding of how to get better more consistent results for your clients
  • A business Dashboardto help manage all areas helping you improve time and client management

Investing in yourself can be a difficult process to go through knowing who to trust, making sure it’s the right program for you and even having the confidence to open up and accept about the things you need to improve.
Trust us we have been there and one thing we do know is trying to understand and work through all the areas of your business alone is a near impossible task,
  • This is why we put this mentorship together,
  • To help you cut out the things you don’t need to concentrate your time on.
  • To help you raise the standards of your coaching and business in the shortest time possible.
  • To improve your all round confidence in yourself, minimising the self-limiting beliefs that are causing your to compare yourself to other coaches far too much which is maybe getting you down and slowing you down.

What do you get? 

How is the mentorship program delivered, and what's included?

  • You will gain access to your own PT Business transformation platform with over 80 recorded webinars that we guide you through over the 16 weeks.
  • LIVE small group mentoring and coaching sessions 5/6 x per week, to support you applying the information and making the mentorship personal to you and your business needs.
  • Weekly business review check in & feedback to help you form productive habits within your business, helping your track and reflect on the highs and lows of the week.
  • Monthly Business Review Template and LIVE session to support you understanding your business fully and give you clarity and confidence to make data driven decisions. Giving you a clear plan for the month ahead.
  • Resource templates, eBooks, downloads, and examples to support you current processes to improve, or simply to help get you started.

  • Private PTMA Facebook/WhatsApp Group. It can be a lonely place being self employed, this is why the community of trainers, coaches and gym owners have a safe place to feel apart of the industry, without judgement, and with full support from the whole team. We are so proud of this.

Here are the Brucie bonuses! .... you also get the below bespoke specialist courses and more!

Why trust us? 

We know there are a lot of claims of grander online promising you the world.

We have been coaching coaches since 2016, and to do have trained, coached and mentored over 10k personal trainers. 

Our mission is to support an army of coaches who love what they do, impact peoples lives, have security and work life balance they deserve. 

Here's what a few have to say ... 
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Frequently asked questions

What happens once I sign up? 

Immediately. there's NO WAITING around 👍

As soon as you sign up you will get emails confirming and guiding you through the first stages,where everything is, how to access and exactly what to do next. 

You'll be given access to the support WhatsApp and Facebook groups. 

And also be able to book yourself in to a 1-1 welcome call. 

Do I have to attend the live mentoring and accountability sessions? 

100% its a non negotiable from us. 

We have been coaching for a combined 40 odd years (scary I know ha). We have a direct correlation between coaching and the results it yields. 

So if you are after watching some videos at your own pace?, then this is not the right service to sign up to. 

Can I reach out to you individually? 

1000%! There are loads of ways you can speak to us on a 1-2-1 level. Firstly there is a direct messaging function on the portal you can use as much as you want to, plus social media channels, email, and also via the multiple weekly group calls 

Is there a limit of live mentoring session I can attend weekly? 

Short answer is no! We encourage attendance as much as possible, and actually making these a priority in your schedule is certainly the right way to go. 

How long are the webinars? 

The webinars vary from 10 - 60 minutes depending on the content. Our aim was to break up the topics into digestible chunks, so you can not only absorb the info, but also use that info to build and improve your strategies, process, and understanding. 

Are there any pre-requisites for joining the program? 

YES! Although they are related to status, business finances, or experience! But they are 100% down to your commitment to apply your self through the program and beyond. If you are looking for a program you can sit in the back ground and not engage with us or the group. Then this isn't the right program for you. We no how important the coaching side of things is, so if you are just after information? in the nicest possible way the program is not for you. 100% commitment is required, managing your time weekly, and applying yourself to improving YOUR business is key. And is non negotiable for us. 

Content Covered

Welcome Session

An intro and welcome to the mentorship program. How it works, when things happen, how to use the portal, and how to get the very best return on your time and investment. 

Creating your VALUES, BELIEFS and GOALS

The more crystal clear your goals are, the you'll know what to do to get there. Fully committing to what you want from your business is a fundamental part of being successful in what ever that means to you.

In this module we break down how to set meaningful goals that excite you. Whilst also understand and getting huge clarity behind your core value and beliefs for your business.

Building a bullet proof business plan

1. How to quantify your goals into manageable targets across the year, creating forecasts and budgets to take you from where you're now to where you want to be.

2. No business can operate effectively without knowing how it is performing, this module takes you through step by step what KPIs you need to measure and how to act on them.

3. We add an additional support document called the "Business dashboard" you can download and use to help the above.

Creating your marketing plan & Identifying your target market

This module will help you understand how best to create and manage a marketing plan.

How to get your message out there by creating clear aim's and intent to drive consistent leads into your business.

The fundamentals of identifying and understanding your target market, which will help you gain clarity of who to market too and provide you with the foundation to bringing in consistent leads both on and offline. You'll learn;

1 - Gain clarity of who you are marketing too.
2- Build a full understanding of your demographic.
3 - Support in how to complete market research.

How to generate leads from the gym floor

Build confidence in how to interact, engage and drive leads into your business from the gym floor. Building some solid structure to work from on how to strike up a meaningful conversation with a potential client on the gym floor, and how to nurture the conversation so you can position your business as an end result of building value and rapport.

Online lead generation

In this next session we take you through how to gain a structure with what to post, how best to structure your content and how to build a system that helps you stay in control and manage your time on social media effectively. Plus the fundamentals behind email marketing, do's, don'ts, and how to use it as a part of your strategy.

Dominate you local community, and how to track your marketing efforts

We explore how to tap into the local B2B opportunities that are right on your doorstep. Its one area that fitness professional forget or overlook but being able to tap into local small and large business for opportunities is a huge piece of the market we can be missing out on.

Ultimately dominating your postcode! Looking at how to measure your marketing, and the bonus session on how to use online/offline challenges to bring in a volume of leads.

Prioritising your tasks to reduce your overwhelm

Understanding and being fully aware of the many plates you have to spin as a business owner. When fully aware, we can break our daily, weekly, and monthly tasks down in manageable chunks so we know what to do which aligns directly with your business goals.

1. Identifying the tasks in your week and breaking them down into manageable parts.

2. Understanding how to prioritise those tasks which align directly with business goals.

We will also be looking at your current schedule and assessing what you have now, to give you some key perspectives to move forward with.

Designing your ideal week

This session will give you all the tools and bring together the past two lessons, plus the goal setting lessons together, in supporting you creating the ideal working week. Bringing together both your business goals, and also what lifestyle you want your business to provide you with.

A Bonus session on Outsourcing elements of your business. Your time is always going to be at a premium being a business owner, and we cant do everything all the time. So looking at what and ways to outsource to free up time is going to be essential for your business as you progress.

Creating and systemising your onboarding journey

A roadmap of how, and why to onboard a prospect. Understanding the potential routes for leads and prospects to enter your business. This enables more brought in prospects, a higher perceived value on your service and helping you to prep to set the prospect up to succeed if you start to work together.

You'll learn;
1. What is onboarding a lead or prospect is.
2. A Creating your varying stages of your onboarding journey.
3. How to automate the process, so you can deal with a volume of leads. And what should a pre-consultation look like and give you and the prospect.

Delivering an effective consultation

Converting the right clients .... on to the right program for them .... at the right price point! Key considerations and frame work of a consultation. It's really not about about hard selling! It's fully about learning the right information from the prospect, creating the environment of phycological safety so they open up, and get the most out of the time so the prospect feels fully involved and not talked at.

You'll learn;

A framework to work from in a consultation to sell the right service for the prospect. How motivational interviewing can support this framework, and how to deal with objections.

Creating client boundaries & Pricing for the service

You need to create boundaries and non negotiables in your business. Essentially what we are talking about here is your "client/trainer agreement", or more commonly referred to as "terms and conditions".

Typical this is centered around a cancellation policy. And although this is important, there are far more essential points to clarify with your clients to set them up to succeed, get full understanding and buy in, and enable boundaries on your business facilitating a good work / life balance. We also dive into pricing for the service!

Typically our industry has a direct exchange of time for money, and although this will be a principle to work from it can put our business at risk and complicated us operating our business. It can be a flawed business model when it comes to scaling your business and also marketing your business son the front end.

We give you an insight into how to price for the service your positioning versus X amount of "PT" sessions for X "£'s".

Onboarding a new client

Your client has signed up! Now its time to deliver the goods. And it starts with creating a full understanding of what they have just signed up for, and also what they NEED to know directly after signing up. This is really helping us reduce buyers remorse and create a great experience for clients entering into the business.

Hybrid / Online / Small Group Training

These sessions are dedicated to pricing for your varying services.

Understand the core offering of your business and having clarity and confidence behind your price points for;

A hybrid service Online coaching Small group training In addition we will be taking your the difference in all of the services, and hint and tips of how to create and deliver.

Client Retention

You've done the hard graft getting clients into your business .... not its about retaining them. Now there is always going to be a natural churn through your business, but clients leaving your prematurely without achieving significant results they came to you, isn't helping them or you. Therefore we dive into motivational and client adherence in this session, whilst looking the options clients can take through your business and the role of your client community can bring to helping retaining clients.

Financial management

Managing your finances is always a challenging thing to face and look at. Therefore building on the last webinar we dive into some best practice systems to use, How to think about distributing your business revenue in varying ways to make your money work best for you and your aspirations. We will also be diving into your tax responsibilities being self employed.

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